Thursday, April 26, 2007

Riding into the New Horizon

With just three free days between jobs, my endless list of errands,packing a whole house was an exhausting experience...the amount ofstuff that I had for a single guy is appalling...and the decision topack it all by myself was certainly stupid (the packers were askingfor too much....or so I thought).
With all this halaboo I never quiet realized, until Arul put up hisnostalgic post, that I would be "shifting" out of Chennai soon.

Met with the boys at the beach for a three hour Cozee banter (forone last time) and then the gang headed for dinner to the localSubway (for one last time). Arul decided that we go for one of ourmid-night-rides on the ECR (for one last time). Solo, Arul, Dosai,Ajith, Vijay, Ravi and self rode to the Casuarina chai shop . It isalways a thrill to ride on the ECR at night...the road and breeze from the ocean ...the thump from the machineinfront.....just peaceful(for one last time). Had jolly good timewith Vijay, Dosai, Ajith and Arul tripping on one another. ..laughedmad till late hours...for one last time.

Went to my mechanic to get a few kirrukkus fixed to find morelurking inside. In total the following were diagnosed.
1.The front disc pads are completely worn out and there arestriations on the rotor.
2.The clutch plates are completely worn out (knew this but not howbad)
3.con-rod noise...apparently there is some lateral movement (oh!! @#$% thisone is a blimer)
4.the swing arm bush is worn out (and I thought the rim was bent)

Splendid...I am to ride the next day with a full load on a slowlimping horse.The ride had been least of my troubles but with the current shape ofmy bike and DeadDawg backing out from riding along, I had a seriousproblem.
After some gyan from Master Solo and Jedi Arul...decided to stick tothe plan and go easy on the bike.

On the day...all I was left with was my bike and my personal things stuffed into borrowed cramsters (my other possessions having alreadybeen transported).
Left my empty apartment and started loading the crammers and thebags onto the bike – a process which surprisingly took nearly anhour. Reached the shell bunk to find Arul, Dosai, Ajith, David,Vijay, Bra, Bhrath, Raj, ArulMohan and Santosh already waiting forme. Being late on my own ride when the boys were already at the flagoff waiting for me was bad enough, but it was really humbling to seethat every one of them were riding 100Km till Kanchipuram to see meoff.

Started the ride with Dosai leading on a borrowed LB500. Pulled overat the Relaince A1 plaza ....10K before Kanchi for breakfast. Haltedfor more than an hour eating and waiting for the hot rods (Ajith,Arul and Dave) to return from their over shot.

The sun had been up for awhile and it had started to get hot, sofinally decided to leave. The boys formed a circle and sprung upwith a farewell gift – a hard cover on Classic Motorcycles. Loved itguys..thanks. And David presented me a madbull tee on behalf of theclub, which I must say was a very apt and a well thought of gift (asmuch as I hate that tee) thanks bro...

I am writing this to express my sincere appreciation and gratitudeto all those who were involved in planning this.To ride out of that A1 plaza with all of you waving me off was avery sentimentally satisfying feeling.Thank you guys. Till we meet again.



PS: stopped only once enroute for a drink and reached B'lore in 6.5hours flat.
PPS: thanks to Dosai & Karthik for the directions...bang on target.Did not have to ask anyone.


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